You may remember my blog post from back in February where I talked about starting a new quilt...
(you can read the blog post HERE)
Well, 5 months later I have FINALLY finished!
To make the quilt I used a moda jelly roll (lots of 2.5 inch strips of fabric) and I WAS following a pattern which I bought at the Malvern Quilt show around 2 years ago! :P
To back the quilt I used a big piece of moda fabric (bigger than the front patchwork) and used the excess to fold forward to make the border...
It's hard to see how I quilted the layers together from this photo but I followed the union jack design using blue cotton on the blue and red on the red so that from the back you could see an outline of the union jack :)
I'm REALLY pleased with the result and although I missed the jubilee it's perfect timing for supporting team GB and the Olympics!